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The Good Night Show


Michele has won over millions of fans as Nina, host of The Good Night Show on Sprout, since 2006. Nina and her side-kick Star took pre-school children and their parents on an adventure every night. The goal was to gently guide everyone to a peaceful, dream-filled sleep. Together, Nina and Star invited children to play along, to sing along and to discover the world around them through story-telling, games, and gentle stretches. Nina also regularly appeared on the Sprout morning show, The Sunny Side Up Show, as a guest host as well. Also, throughout the years, she and Star had holiday specials on the network and can always be found on Sprout’s new online home:

The Good Night Show is no longer around, but Nina's World continues to keep Nina and Star in children's lives. Michele would love to thank each and every fan, big and little, for joining her every night. She looks forward to sharing many more good night wishes and sweet dreams with everyone. 

Her newest endeavor, Story Time with Michele, aims to foster a love of reading in young children. Reading aloud to kids has been proven to benefit them in so many ways including increasing attention span, improving literacy and speech development, and also nurtures a life-long love of books and learning.  It is her great hope that children across the country will love the slower paced and relaxed environment where stories are shared and new memories can be created.